Current Status
- No work on this has been started yet but Alpha2 will primarily be about test execution.
Near Term Tasks
- Use demo app to do component testing
- Port example apps written for 3.3.3 + JSF2 or write from sratch. There will be some problems as 4.x is not backward compatible with 3.3.X.
- Manually go through all new features and fixes for Alpha2
- See possible compatibility with JOPR.
- See possible compatibility in portal environment.
Longer Term Tasks
- No long term tasks for Alpha2 but there will be long term tasks of test development which we plan to complete by CR release of 4.0.x series.
Requirements for ALPHA2
- All unit tests should pass
- Components in demo-app should work without obvious exception
- Works with tomcat 6, AS 5.1.0.GA and lastest AS6
Estimation on Effort and Time
- TBD because alpha has too many variables and release notes for alpha2 is still a WIP.