Predefined variables available in CDK templates
facesContext - instance of FacesContext for this request
component - instance of UIComponent being rendered
responseWriter - instance of ResponseWriter to render the component
clientId - client identifier of the component being rendered
this - instance of generated renderer itself
super - parent of 'this'
Supported types of EL expressions
EL-expression | Compiled expression |
Identifiers - one of the variables available in scope
Additional identifiers can be declared via <cdk:object> tag | |
#{component} #{clientId} | component clientId |
Values - combination of expressions | |
#{facesContext.externalContext} #{component.children[0]} | facesContext.getExternalContext() component.getChildren().get(0) |
Integer, string, double, boolean literals | |
#{'some string'} #{5} #{2.718} #{true} #{false} | "some string" 5 Double.valueOf(2.718) true false |
Null expression | |
#{null} | null |
Arithmetic operations
(in the following examples 'a' and 'b' are number value identifiers) | |
#{a + b} #{a - b} #{a * b} #{a / b} #{a div b} #{a % b} #{a mod b} #{-a} | a + b a – b a * b a / b a % b a % b a % b -a |
Boolean operations
(in the following examples 'a' and 'b' are boolean value identifiers) | |
#{a and b} #{a && b} #{a or b} #{a || b} #{not a} #{!a} | a && b a && b a || b a || b !a !a |
Comparison operations
(in the following examples 'a' and 'b' are number value identifiers) | |
#{a > b} #{a gt b} #{a < b} #{a lt b} #{a >= b} #{a ge b} #{a <= b} #{a le b} | a > b a > b a < b a < b a >= b a >= b a <= b a <= b |
Equality test operations | |
#{a == b} #{a eq b}
#{a == null} #{a eq null}
#{a != null} #{a ne null}
#{a != b} #{a ne b} | If 'a' & 'b' are both primitive types: a == b otherwise: isEqual(a, b)
If 'a' is non-primitive type: a == null otherwise isEqual(a, null)
If 'a' is non-primitive type: a != null otherwise !isEqual(a, null)
If 'a' & 'b' are both primitive types: a != b otherwise: !isEqual(a, b) |
Choice operator
(in the following example 'a' and 'b' are arbitrary expressions and 'test' is boolean value expression)
Type of the expression is determined by the type of 'a' expression, unless 'a' has unknown type (e.g. it's equivalent to 'null' identifier) | |
#{test ? a : b} | test ? a : b |
Bracket expression | |
If 'l' is array: #{l[i]}
otherwise: #{m[key]} |
m.get(key) |
Property expression
(in the following examples 'o' is arbitrary object value) | |
#{o.myProperty} #{} | o.getMyProperty() o.getName() |
Empty operator
(in the following examples 'o' is arbitrary object value) | |
#{empty o} | isEmpty(o) |
Method expression
(in the following examples 'o' is arbitrary object value that has String computeValue(String) and String toString() methods) | |
#{o.toString()} | o.computeValue("test")
o.toString() |
Function expression | |
#{variableName:methodName(arg0, ..., argN)}
#{methodName(arg0, ..., argN)} | variableName.methodName(arg0, ..., argN)
this.methodName(arg0, ..., argN) |
Deferred expression - composition of several aforementioned expressions | |
#{(a ne null) ? cc.attributes['name'] : 'default'} | a != null ? (cc.getAttributes().get("name")) : ("default") |
Mixed expression | |
#{clientId}:suffix | "clientId" + ":suffix" |
Types conversion
Currently the following conversions between types are supported:
- Object -> boolean, using generated convertToBoolean() method.
Example usage:
<cdk:object type="boolean" name="disabledAttrValue" value="#{component.attributes['disabled']}" /> - Object -> String, using generated convertToString() method.
Example usage.
<cdk:object type="String" name="componentValue" value="#{component.attributes['value']}" />