Version 6
    Samples: Javadoc and Xref
    1. Download the attached
    2. doc/api contains the stylesheet and images for Javadoc.  Extract them into the existing Javadoc output to overwrite the existing stylesheet.
    3. doc/xref contains the stylesheet and images for cross-reference report generated by maven-jxr-plugin.  Extract them into the existing Xref output to overwrite the existing stylesheet.


    To apply the stylesheet with maven-javadoc-plugin, you need to add three configuration properties in your pom.xml:


            <!-- Note: Older versions will not work. -->


    In the example above, the images are located in the ${basedir}/src/javadoc/resources directory.


    Unfortunately, there's no built-in option that makes the maven-jxr-plugin to copy the images.  As a workaround, you can modify the stylesheet to refer to the Javadoc resources using relative path (e.g. url(../javadoc/resources/*) instead of url(resources/*)).