Version 1

    Release Notes - Embedded Jopr - Version 1.4.0.B01


    • [EMBJOPR-260] - nav tree nodes do not expand or collapse when running on AS 5.2 (i.e. w/ JSF2)
    • [EMBJOPR-269] - jboss-seam-jul-2.1.0.SP1.jar should not be included in WEB-INF/lib of admin-console
    • [EMBJOPR-271] - JBoss AS not discovered due to ClassNotFoundException - ManualAddFacet
    • [EMBJOPR-273] - Compile errors: r861 with latest RHQ master (2010-01-13)
    • [EMBJOPR-281] - Clicking on CONTENT tab results in HTTP Status: 404
    • [EMBJOPR-285] - Upgrade to RichFaces 3.3.3.BETA1
    • [EMBJOPR-286] - JSF2 does not like text for h:outputText being CDATA rather than the value of the 'value' attribute


    • [EMBJOPR-278] - Tag 1.4.0 Release for inclusion into 6.0.0.M2
