RiftSaw is based on ODE 1.x code base, here we've maintained our own ODE branch, which we did some update due to our requirment or haven't got time to apply it into Apache ODE.
In the Subversion, we've had two branches:
1. http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/riftsaw/branches/ODE/ODE-1.x/
2. http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/riftsaw/branches/ODE/ODE-1.x-fixes/
The ODE-1.x is as same as Apache ODE code base, we should not put any updates on this branch, while the ODE-1.x-fixes, as it indicates, we put all of our updates on this branch, below is the steps that upgrade our ODE-1.x-fixes with Apache ODE.
1) checkout ODE-1.x into local workspace, name it ODE-1.x
2) checkout Apache ODE 1.x latest code (the version that we want to upgrade to) into localworkspace, name it Apache-ODE
3) remove all of .svn folder into Apache ODE by using 'find . -name .svn | xargs rm -rf ' in the Apache-ODE
4) copy all of Apache-ODE file into ODE-1.x
5) on the ODE-1.x folder, run 'mvn clean install', to check all of tests passed.
6) on the ODE-1.x, run 'svn diff > upgrade.patch' to generate the patch.
7) on the ODE-1.x-fixes, run 'patch -p0 < ODE-1.x/upgrade.patch' to apply the patch.
8) resolve the conflicts that you had when applying the patch, once resolved, run 'mvn clean install' to make sure all of tests are passed in ODE-1.x-fixes.
9) commit the changes into ODE-1.x and ODE-1.x-fixes respectively.
Util now, you've successfully upgraded the ODE code base with Apache ODE.