Version 8

    From the beggining

    1) checkout examples sources from svn:

    • examples/richfaces-showcase/ - contains main showcase application.
    • examples/core-demo/ - main demo used during development.


    2) Example applications should be built using Maven 2.1.0 or higher.


    3) Follow these instructions for maven configuration.


    tomcat6/jetty targeted build:

    3) execute "mvn clean package" in root application folder(examples/richfaces-showcase/ or examples/core-demo/)
    4) Deploy to tomcat 6.x (built .war file is located in the 'target' folder) or just run using maven on jetty using "mvn clean jetty:run-war"

    JEE6 (GlassFish 3, JBoss AS 6) server targeted build:

    3) execute "mvn clean package -Pjee6" in root application folder(examples/richfaces-showcase/trunk or examples/core-demo/trunk)
    4) Deploy built application (built .war file is located in the 'target' folder) to application server


    5) Type http://localhost:8080/richfaces-showcase or http://localhost:8080/core-demo in your browser address bar after starting server.
    More additional information about build profiles for concrete aplications and working with them - inside readme's for application itself.

    Using IDE to work with examples

    • You could use Jboss Tools with m2eclipse plugin and just import the examples as maven-based projects.
    • Or if you have not using m2eclipse - execute:
         mvn eclipse:ecllipse
         in root example folder and import to ecplise just as existent project after build complete.