Version 1
    1. Download tests:
      $ svn co
    2. Start  Selenium Server together with Apache Tomcat 6 incl. deployed testapp (you can also do it separately [1])
      $ mvn cli:execute-phase
      maven2> selenium-tomcat6

      (build will automatically download distribution (you can also point to downloaded one [2]) and also resolve current snapshot of testapp.war)
    3. On the separate console start test suite in Firefox
      $ mvn cli:execute-phase
      maven2> firefox

      (you must have firefox executable on $PATH, but you can also point to specific browser [3])


    [1] Start Selenium Server or Container separately


    If you want just start Apache Tomcat 6 with deployed testapp application, use tomcat6 alias instead:

    $ mvn cli:execute-phase
    maven2> tomcat6


    If you want to start only Selenium Server, use selenium-only CLI alias:

    $ mvn cli:execute-phase
    maven2> selenium-only


    [2] Point to locally downloaded server installation


    If you have already downloaded the distribution of, you can point to it without need of letting the build obtain it from internet.


    For this purpose, redefine maven property tomcat6x.installer.url.unix (resp. with own URL:


         $ mvn verify -Dtomcat6x.installer.url.unix=file:/path/to/local/

         (you can also setup it in settings.xml or profiles.xml as property)

    [3] Point to custom browser

    Use maven property browser to specify browser executable:



         $ mvn verify -Dbrowser="*firefox /path/to/local/firefox"

         (you can also setup it in settings.xml or profiles.xml as property)