Version 3


    This document will describe the migration of inplaceInput and inplaceSelect components.

    information from 3.3.x:









    Related requests and jiras


    Common info and requirements

    At first both component - does not require complete functional redesign - so the goal of the document - to highlight changes to be made during migration.


    Buttons requirements change

    Both components provides buttons for closure (saven and cancel)

    That buttons in 3.3.3 if shown - was prevents the inplaces to be closed after blur. In 4.x - it should not occurs. If the component focused - edit state should be activated and immediatelly deactivated after blur. The value changing behavior for that automatical closure described in "Switching from edit state to view/changed state" section.

    inplaces in scrollable containers

    scrolling any container (probably except browser window if possible) should cause the inplace automatically to be deactivated in order to prevents the positioning problem in IE. The value changing behavior for that automatical closure described in "Switching from edit state to view/changed state" section.


    In future we could add the attribute to turn it off by request.

    Switching from edit state to view/changed state

    Not implemented in M2 - Currently the component works already saving the value on such loosing focus.

    Nothing should be changed from 3.3.x(handling Enter and ESC - should remains as it was before) except next point:


    switching to view/changed state if the component just looses focus(or closed automatically) should be configurable. saveOnBlur boolean attribute should be added and has false value by default.  So if the user activate the control and make some changes and just bluring the component it should:

    • store new value and show changed state if the attribute has true value
    • do no store changes and be switched to view state with previous value if attribute has false value.
    Disabled State - not implemented for now.

    Need to add disable state to both components. In disabled states - them should just be rendered as outputText with current value. Also default label should be ignored in that case.

    Inplace Input Specific

    attributes changes


    Inplace Select Specific

    SelectItems disabling and grouping

    both features should be supported.  Postponed to after-M3

    attributes changes



    Not implemented in M4

    • disabled state
    • onchange, viewchange events