This document will describe the migration of tooltip component.
information from 3.3.x:
Related requests and jiras:
High Level Overview of the features
- AS it was in 3.3.x two ways of tooltip content definition - via value attribute or using markup defined by nested components.
- Definition of element(target attribute) and type of events for show/hide(as in 3.3.x)
- What about to redesign in order to use Modal panel way? - just define the content by the component and try to implement activation by using some behavior(just component control?)
- seems need special behavior. But anyway that's not for base version.
- I know there some problems like mouseover/out handling - so need to discuss
- What about to redesign in order to use Modal panel way? - just define the content by the component and try to implement activation by using some behavior(just component control?)
- Two modes for loading tooltip data - ajax and client
- Ajax mode
- Showing some default content while content loadin
- Possibility to trigger some listener which will fetch needed data (Just using preRender listener or create some special event/listener for tooltip - for discussion - not in base)
- Possibility to fetch by just view-id (for discussion - not in base)
- Option to load content only once (cached ajax mode? - for discuss and was not available in 3.3.x - new feature - not in base)
- Client mode - markup completelly rendered on page load.
- Ajax mode
- What about dynamic client side rendering? Seems should be postponed as for all the other components. But that definitelly should be there as we had too much requests for such usage of tooltip(in iteration components)
- Tooltip was cut by some components in 3.3. Need to implement body re-attachment.
Not implemented in M4
- Possibility to trigger some listener which will fetch needed data
- Define the content by the component and try to implement activation by using some behavior(just component control?) (NEW)
- Possibility to fetch by just view-id (NEW)
- Option to load content only once (NEW)
- dynamic client side rendering
- direction redefinition
Also issues Tracked there