This document will describe the migration of fileUpload component.
information from 3.3.x:
Related requests and jiras:
Removed features
- Upload Data - duplicates the uploadListener functionality.
Base functionality - to be implemented in M5
- Modes
- html
- upload
- optional restriction for the same named files upload
- limitation of size per file (for application)
- in memory/disk files storing
- limitation for files per extension/type
- support for multiple files upload
- context parameters for directory specifying as for 3.3
- already possible to add messages from listener and it will be shown in ajaxRendered zone.
- render and execute in long term
- Markup redefinition
- All cusomization whichg was available through attributes
- buttons labels
- entries/errors/status labels
- Entries list
- Clear functionality for single file
- Clear all
- Upload progress
- using plugged by default progressBar
- PB could be customized through definition in named facet
- Disabled state for component
- Visual presets
- 3.3.x look and feel (except long term)
- Client side events
- before upload - every file
- upload of all files finished
Long Term
- Modes
- flash
- Upload
- customization of count of files available for upload ??
- Auto clearing the list
- Immediate upload
- size limitation per component (seems not really possible with current impl. need to review.)
- execute&render attributes + review other ajax ones which possible to add.
- possibility to return state of single upload in listener.
- Markup redefinition
- Labels definition through resource bundles
- Customization which was available using macrosubstitutions
- header controls and labels set
- entry controls and labels set
- "Stop" functionality for upload
- Servlets 3 native upload capabilities support
- Visual preset
- based on simple <input type="file"/> elements
- Client API
- Client side events
- upload of single file finished
- add file
- remove file
- stop
- cancel
- clear
- transfer error
- size error
- type rejected
- Validation
- If we can't support normal FAces validation (as fileUpload not actually input but works through UploadEvent) - we need to have possibility to add messages from listener and abort further processing.
- still want to try to support required.