I would like to discuss a range of usability improvements. I think the current developer/architect focused tooling could be improved to make it easier to use and less error prone. I also would like to extend the generation capabilities beyond BPEL. Here are some suggestions:
1) Instead of (well or in addition to) the user adding the annotations in the CDL model by hand (and risking mis-entering them) perhaps the editor could browse a registry of services using a UDDI browser. Both ESB services could be looked up in the JBossESB portion of the registry as well as Web services endpoints. These could then be added to the annotations without the user having to specify the details. An alternative would be to look up the services in a Respository for the same information using web dav for example. This would save the developer from having to copy runtime deployment information into the CDL files.
2) I would also like to have better diagnosis / explanation in the Scenario simulator logs, as well as a better display / organization to the information. Perhaps even integration with the Savara monitor plugin so you get a similar view when running the scenario as you do when running the process in the server.
3) I would like to propose generation of JBoss ESB 4.x projects from the choreography. I would like Savara to create the project, along with the service, the specify the contract (e.g. the XSDs, although it would be nice if the ESB accepted a Savara generated WSDL instead).
4) I would like to propose generation of Dynamic Web projects from the choreography. I would like Savara to create the project, generate the WSDL, the execute the Web services creation wizard using the generated WSDL to generate the JAX-WS web service (along with the EAR to deploy the Web service).