Management Gadget
Export / Import
Data supported for export / import are site layout, pages, and navigation. Dashboard's are not supported at this time.
- List sites available for export for the current portal container.
- Current portal container is determined by which portal container the gadget is being used in.
- Export option to export a site to a zip file for download.
- Data included in the zip: site layout (portal.xml), pages (pages.xml), and navigation (navigation.xml).
- The xml files within this zip file are of the gatein_objects XSD format that an initial portal will use to create these artifacts. Therefore these files can be extracted to a clean environment for initial database population of these portal objects.
- Data included in the zip: site layout (portal.xml), pages (pages.xml), and navigation (navigation.xml).
- Import upload which will upload zip file from export and import data.
Future Ideas
Export / Import
- Export - Multiple sites, pages and navigation
- Allow someone to select multiple site layouts they want to include in export.
- Allow someone to select mutiple pages they want to include in export.
- Allow someone to select multiple navigations (and navigation nodes) they want to include in export.
- Selecting multiple navigation nodes can also show an option to include the page the node points in the export.
- Export review - Ability to see data included in export.
- During review: Ability to exclude data included in export.
- Import review - The import should not automatically import the data on file upload. The user should have the option to review the data.
- During review: Ability to exclude data for import.
- During review: Inidcation on each artifact being imported whether it's a delete, update or create.
- During review: Ability to diff the data. (Advanced)
- Import options - Options to overwrite data
- Option to overwrite all data included for import
- Option to overwrite all pages for a site
- Option to overwrite all navigation for a site
- Backup and restore options (Advanced)
Management Command Line Inteface
Export / Import
Data supported for export / import are site layout, pages, and navigation. Dashboard's are not supported at this time.
- Ability to export all data for a portal container. This includes all site layouts of all sites, and all pages and navigation for every site.
- Ability to export all data for a particular site.
- Ability to export certain pages, navigation and site layout for a particular site.
- Ability to import anything exported
- Option to overwrite everything included in export.
- Backup and restore options.
Future Ideas
Export / Import
- Interactive shell similar to CRaSH or extension of CRaSH.
- Navigate portal artifacts, view portal artifacts, and add portal artifacts to context.
- Export portal artifacts included in context.