Version 2

    Follow these steps to do a local Teiid Designer Tycho build (using Maven 3):


    1. Check out JBoss Tools "build" project:



    2. Build the JBoss Tools parent pom:


      • make sure you are in the ./jbosstools/trunk/build directory
      • mvn clean install -f ./parent/pom.xml
      • make sure build is successful


    3. Check out Teiid Designer:



    4. Build Teiid Designer:


      • make sure you are in the ./teiid-designer/trunk directory
      • mvn clean install -B -fae -e -P helios-remote-target or
      • mvn clean install -B -fae -e -P helios-remote-target -X > ./buildLog.txt (if you want the log to be verbose, contain debug logging, and redirect to a file)
      • you can also run this command in a Teiid Designer plugin's root directory to just do a build of that plugin