Version 1

    The witheboard for Mobicents JAIN SLEE 3.x Core development, the next generation JAIN SLEE container.

    What's New?

    These are the new features for Mobicents JAIN SLEE 3.x:

    • JBoss Application Server 7 - new AS currently being developed, made from scratch, with very fast startup, and targeting Java EE6
    • Mobicents Cluster Framework 2.x - a 100% independent cluster framework, tunned for performance, and with default implementation over Infinispan 5 
    • JAIN SLEE 1.1 Extensions: Annotations - Java Annotations which replace XML descriptors or provide injection of factories and contexts in JAIN SLEE components
    • JAIN SLEE 1.1 Extensions: ConfigProperties - extension of JAIN SLEE 1.1 RA ConfigProperties to Service, SBB and Profile domains, allowing runtime configuration updates
    • Profile Entity Framework 3.x - a more performance tunned framework to handle mapping between Profiles and a datasource, which should not be tied with JPA only

    Development Progress

    The updated roadmap, which includes the current status of each task, can be seen here.

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