Version 20
    1. EE Related
      1. JPA and PC injection
      2. EE Injection
      3. EJB3 Singletons, SFSBs and SLSBs with annotation processing
        1. Working "Cache" and "Pool" behavior
      4. EJB Injection
      5. Managed Beans
      6. JNDI contexts
      7. EJB TX
      8. EE @Interceptor lifecycle callbacks
      9. System interceptor callbacks
      10. Integrate Weld with EJBs and JPA
    2. Management Related
      1. Master DC ->Slave DC propogation
      2. Deployment content uploads via HTTP
      3. All demos working
      4. CLI with latest syntax
      5. New FS deployment
      6. Get standalone and domain deployment convenience APIs repackaged and into controller-client
    3. User experience
      1. Classloader modules visualization (Ales)
    4. Other
      1. Release and upgrade to jboss-module 1.0.0.Beta16