Several JBoss core developers are evaluating SlideRocket as a presentation platform. SlideRocket provides both presentation creation tools and collaborative features for sharing assets such as presentations, slides, slide groups and media.
The pilot is limited to 5 participatants in the free version. Developers involved in the pilot are:
If the pilot goes well, we will consider whether the pro option makes sense.
Keep in mind that in the free version, all presentations are public and presentations must be delivered using the web application. The pro account offers an offline player built on Adobe AIR.
Below are sections where you can provide feedback on your experience using SlideRocket.
- Likes
- Shared library slides
- Shared media
- ...
- Dislikes/Requests
- Inability to migrate presentations between accounts
- PDF export should create slide per animation (otherwise slide is incomprehensible)
- Slide region as library object (for instance, a paragraph or quote)
- Offline creator
- Bugs
- Pagination on image search should reset when search query is modified
Slide design tips
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Use hi-res photos
Inspiration for rethinking the presentation
Public domain stock photography resources