Version 3

    When creating a quickstart in the jboss-switchyard/quickstarts repository, please follow the following convention rules:


    1. Quickstarts should showcase a single feature.
    2. Quickstarts should be named switchyard-quickstart-${NAME}.
    3. Demos can showcase multiple features in combination.
    4. Demos should be in a subdirectory called "demos".
    5. Demos should be named switchyard-quickstart-demo-${NAME}.


    So, for example:

    • quickstarts/transform-smooks/pom.xml will have:
      • groupId of org.switchyard.quickstarts
      • artifactId of switchyard-quickstart-transform-smooks
    • quickstarts/demos/orders/pom.xml will have:
      • groupId of org.switchyard.quickstarts.demos
      • artifactId of switchyard-quickstart-demo-orders


    The reasoning behind the plural directories and singular artifactIds is that a directory / pom module represents a collection of things, but inside that are individual things: animals = {animal-dog, animal-cat, ...}