Meeting started by balunasj_mtg at 15:01:38 UTC (full logs).
Meeting summary
- Agenda posted (balunasj_mtg, 15:02:14)
- Meetbot (balunasj_mtg, 15:02:43)
- started using this so that meeting minutes are not such a pain (balunasj_mtg, 15:03:06)
- Who ever is running the meeting will be responsible for using meetbot commands (balunasj_mtg, 15:03:34)
- this will be a learning process with it (balunasj_mtg, 15:04:19)
- basic instructions are here (balunasj_mtg, 15:04:26)
- ACTION: balunasj_mtg will post links to the minutes on the meeting information page as usual. (balunasj_mtg, 15:06:26)
- Git migration (balunasj_mtg, 15:06:52)
- Status of the git migration, and remaining steps (balunasj_mtg, 15:07:21)
- code base is migrated but needs further changes (lfryc, 15:08:18)
- especially finalize release process (SCM settings) (lfryc, 15:08:33)
- do not clone repositories currently (lfryc, 15:08:54)
- code base is migrated but needs further changes (lfryc, 15:10:17)
- especially finalize release process (SCM settings) (lfryc, 15:10:22)
- do not clone repositories yet (lfryc, 15:10:28)
- the final migration end will be announced on the forums (lfryc, 15:11:03)
- ACTION: lfryc will post to dev forums when migration and updates are complete (balunasj_mtg, 15:11:54)
- ACTION: lfryc will update all wiki pages, and build process pages with latest approach - estimate is tomorrow/next day (balunasj_mtg, 15:13:53)
- ACTION: lfryc will create a jira to cover closing of /trunk and any other modules we have migrated. (balunasj_mtg, 15:16:52)
- (lfryc, 15:17:15)
- RFPL-1469 created by lfryc (balunasj_mtg, 15:17:48)
- other items to discuss with git is workflow, and migration plans for docs and QE (balunasj_mtg, 15:18:25)
- AGREED: QE will wait about a week after primary project migration (balunasj_mtg, 15:20:42)
- AGREED: QE and docs can manage their own migration to git with their own jira's (balunasj_mtg, 15:22:31)
- sean is not able to work on RichFaces for a little bit - so we'll be taking over doc updates where needed. (balunasj_mtg, 15:23:12)
- this would include migration of docs (balunasj_mtg, 15:23:25)
- ACTION: balunasj_mtg will create the needed jira's for this (balunasj_mtg, 15:23:38)
- HELP: (bleathem_, 15:25:33)
- Next topic is discussing git workflow (balunasj_mtg, 15:27:22)
- What process we should take - benevolent dictator? integration manager, etc..? (balunasj_mtg, 15:27:59)
- (bleathem_, 15:30:26)
- the Git Wrokflow being adopted by the Seam Project (bleathem_, 15:30:48)
- AGREED: We don't want a single bottleneck for git - we will need multiple integration managers (balunasj_mtg, 15:31:06)
- IDEA: some of modules may have only one manager, e.g. showcase, CDK for necessity of reviewing (lfryc, 15:33:26)
- AGREED: all pull requests would need to be tied to a jira (balunasj_mtg, 15:38:38)
- IDEA: we should reuse Git Pull Request Workflow in JBoss JIRA (lfryc, 15:38:44)
- AGREED: the Git pull Request Workflow in Jira works very well (bleathem_, 15:39:05)
- ACTION: lfryc Please be sure to document that in the wiki updates for the workflow (balunasj_mtg, 15:39:32)
- AGREED: We'll have 3 integrators at first lfryc bleathem_ and myself - we'll adjust as needed (balunasj_mtg, 15:40:29)
- obviously anyone can still fork, and make updates, and pull requests - just that we'll manage the merging to the main repos <--FYI (balunasj_mtg, 15:41:22)
- ACTION: All - review git workflow in more detail - (balunasj_mtg, 15:42:21)
- AGREED: The test repo will have ppitonak and 1-2 others for integration managers (balunasj_mtg, 15:45:50)
- AGREED: Docs will be the same integration manages as the rest of the project (balunasj_mtg, 15:46:18)
- ACTION: setting up 'Git Author Names' and 'github Username' in user profiles (lfryc, 15:47:59)
- it is needed to proper bounding between JBoss issue tracking (JIRA, FishEye) and GitHub (lfryc, 15:48:33)
- discussed authors file for git hub migration - most are entered there. (balunasj_mtg, 15:57:32)
- AGREED: accounts should be updated with github info (balunasj_mtg, 15:59:16)
- ACTION: balunasj_mtg Ask on dev forums for users to add this. (balunasj_mtg, 15:59:41)
- ACTION: balunasj_mtg will contact Bernard to get his info (balunasj_mtg, 16:00:27)
- RichFaces 4.1 (balunasj_mtg, 16:00:49)
- With my vacation last week, and other issues I was not able to complete the minutes or the 4.1 items from the last team meeting on 5-10-2011 (balunasj_mtg, 16:01:26)
- ACTION: Review transcript for 5-10-2011 meeting and create abbreviated minutes from it. (balunasj_mtg, 16:02:20)
- ACTION: balunasj_mtg jira review and updates for 4.1 before end of week (balunasj_mtg, 16:03:16)
- ACTION: create an initial plan based on resources, timing, etc... for the release. (balunasj_mtg, 16:03:37)
- we are still planning on Fall release for 4.1 - the exacts dates at TBD for now. (balunasj_mtg, 16:04:18)
- there are some obvious additions like rich:editor, picklist, etc... also likely are rich:columns, and rich:notify from bernard (balunasj_mtg, 16:05:11)
- non-component focus will be on cdk, forge, performance, mobile/html integration (balunasj_mtg, 16:05:50)
- existing updates for components include push with CDI, CSV updates with new constraints, fileupload issues (balunasj_mtg, 16:08:00)
- ACTION: include ne or two cool skins which will be based on design from guys in the planning (balunasj_mtg, 16:09:21)
- there is also various jira's and other items that will be reviewed and made part of the plan (balunasj_mtg, 16:10:02)
- Need to keep in mind timing and release blocks. (balunasj_mtg, 16:10:22)
- ACTION: create JIRAs for QE to cover one skin and one for styling current components (lfryc, 16:12:09)
- git follow up items (balunasj_mtg, 16:16:08)
- ACTION: need to migrate sandbox to Git (lfryc, 16:17:07)
- ACTION: I suggest rename the examples (lfryc, 16:18:13)
- examples repository contains developer examples which may be taken by community but it is not recommended, because it is quite a messy (lfryc, 16:19:09)
- I suggest to go with developer-examples instead (lfryc, 16:19:22)
- AGREED: dev-examples sounds good (lfryc, 16:20:15)
- AGREED: dev-examples +1 (bleathem_, 16:20:36)
- AGREED: lets go with dev-examples (balunasj_mtg, 16:20:42)
Meeting ended at 16:21:53 UTC (full logs).
Action items
- balunasj_mtg will post links to the minutes on the meeting information page as usual.
- lfryc will post to dev forums when migration and updates are complete
- lfryc will update all wiki pages, and build process pages with latest approach - estimate is tomorrow/next day
- lfryc will create a jira to cover closing of /trunk and any other modules we have migrated.
- balunasj_mtg will create the needed jira's for this
- lfryc Please be sure to document that in the wiki updates for the workflow
- All - review git workflow in more detail -
- setting up 'Git Author Names' and 'github Username' in user profiles
- balunasj_mtg Ask on dev forums for users to add this.
- balunasj_mtg will contact Bernard to get his info
- Review transcript for 5-10-2011 meeting and create abbreviated minutes from it.
- balunasj_mtg jira review and updates for 4.1 before end of week
- create an initial plan based on resources, timing, etc... for the release.
- include ne or two cool skins which will be based on design from guys in the planning
- create JIRAs for QE to cover one skin and one for styling current components
- need to migrate sandbox to Git
- I suggest rename the examples
Action items, by person
- balunasj_mtg
- balunasj_mtg will post links to the minutes on the meeting information page as usual.
- balunasj_mtg will create the needed jira's for this
- balunasj_mtg Ask on dev forums for users to add this.
- balunasj_mtg will contact Bernard to get his info
- balunasj_mtg jira review and updates for 4.1 before end of week
- lfryc
- lfryc will post to dev forums when migration and updates are complete
- lfryc will update all wiki pages, and build process pages with latest approach - estimate is tomorrow/next day
- lfryc will create a jira to cover closing of /trunk and any other modules we have migrated.
- lfryc Please be sure to document that in the wiki updates for the workflow
- All - review git workflow in more detail -
- setting up 'Git Author Names' and 'github Username' in user profiles
- Review transcript for 5-10-2011 meeting and create abbreviated minutes from it.
- create an initial plan based on resources, timing, etc... for the release.
- include ne or two cool skins which will be based on design from guys in the planning
- create JIRAs for QE to cover one skin and one for styling current components
- need to migrate sandbox to Git
- I suggest rename the examples
People present (lines said)
- balunasj_mtg (144)
- lfryc (57)
- bleathem_ (38)
- ppitonak (7)
- nbelaevski (5)
- jbott (4)
- jbossbot (3)
- alexsmirnov (1)