AS7 & OpenShift Integration
- Blog on deployment to AS7
- Showcase & Tweetstream as examples
- Sometime next week
- What needs tweeking, what just works
- A basic walkthrough of the steps for deployment
- Screencast/video of deployment to OpenShift
- TweetStream and/or showcase - not sure which
- 2-3 weeks away
4.1 Mobile Showcase Mobile
- Planning for M2
- Same application, or new?
- Format changes, and content changes
- How to handle device differences
- How to handler long text descriptions
4.1 Editor
- Lukas has been reviewing implementations
- Delayed behind AS7 integration for now
4.1 Select Updates
- Justin Wyer is working on this - thanks!
- Status, thoughts, etc...
4.1 Git Build Updates
- Justin has also been helping with build updates
- Lets discuss the current changes, and future options