Newcastle JBUG - August Meeting
Venue - Room 1.7, INEX, Herschell Annex , University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Directions can be found here
Date and Time - 6PM Tuesday 9th Aug
If you are likely to arrive after 6:15 please let me know, otherwise you may not be able to gain access to the building.
Start 6PM
Introduction Tom Jenkinson will reprise our new version of the app server AS7 and it's new features, this will then be followed by a :-
AS7 Hackathon
This will be a hands on session going through AS7 and how to deploy applications on to it. This is your chance to have a play with AS7 and see what it can do. The session is free form but we are hoping to have team competitions for creative deployments. If you are not knowledgable about AS7 don't worry, team leaders will be provided. This session is a precurser to next months talk on AS7 in the cloud.
The Talk will be followed by Refreshments and General Discussion
Break up about 8:30.