Release Notes - Teiid Designer - Version 7.5
- [TEIIDDES-69] - redundent model support properties should be removed
- [TEIIDDES-165] - Transformations Dependent On UDF Model Are Not Validated When UDF Model Changes And Build Is Run
- [TEIIDDES-166] - Exceptions Displaying Just Deleted Function In Expression Builder
- [TEIIDDES-181] - Missing Java SQL Types In RelationalTypeMapping Interface And Implementation Class
- [TEIIDDES-229] - Textual Metadata Importer fails to create simple virtual table transformations
- [TEIIDDES-311] - The exported DDL for MySQL does not work when trying to run it agains the database
- [TEIIDDES-322] - Scrolling Issues In Coarse And Detail XML Mapping Diagrams
- [TEIIDDES-330] - Designer Preview data icon--in vertical toolbar--enabled when package diagram open, but does not work
- [TEIIDDES-333] - "Update cost statistics" action should indicate a change in the model that requires a save, but it does not do so
- [TEIIDDES-340] - Update Incorrect When Changing Model Name On Last Page Of JDBC Wizard
- [TEIIDDES-366] - Modeling Web service from procedure didn't properly name the input variable
- [TEIIDDES-579] - SQL Scrapbook created from Teiid connection is created with Ingress_2006 as the Connection Profile type.
- [TEIIDDES-597] - Insert Rows in relational column table editor creates columns in reverse order
- [TEIIDDES-776] - Data Roles: After unchecking a model, cannot check subordinate metadata, like columns
- [TEIIDDES-843] - Teiid "Build XML Documents from XML Schema" dialog is too wide
- [TEIIDDES-855] - Teiid "Save all modified resources" dialog cannot save opened editor for unknown reason
- [TEIIDDES-885] - Preview Data fails if attempted immediately after "Save" model.
- [TEIIDDES-907] - In Designer, the default data type length could cause issues when accessing EDS via ODBC
- [TEIIDDES-957] - Exception Message blank
- [TEIIDDES-960] - StringNameValidator.createUniqueName() method is performing multiple unnecessary string operations
- [TEIIDDES-961] - Dependency Diagram not responding to edit events
- [TEIIDDES-972] - When importing an existing model, message notes that this is an existing model but 'Update' is not chosen by default
- [TEIIDDES-982] - Web Services Connection Profile dialog doesn't provide guidance when CP has no valid Teiid connection properties
- [TEIIDDES-995] - Importing metadata from text, VARCHAR is interpreted as OBJECT - Should be character-based type
- [TEIIDDES-996] - Create Web Service fails if the model contains 2 schemas with the same tablenames underneath
- [TEIIDDES-997] - Missing I18n Message Key "ModelSelectionPage.virtualModelMessage" In Salesforce Plugin
- [TEIIDDES-1000] - Re-importing Relational Model with changed CASE option does not notify diagram to refresh column names
- [TEIIDDES-1005] - Getting exception when attempting to do a metadata search in Designer
- [TEIIDDES-1012] - Search Exception is encountered - on attempt to search with open XSD Model
- [TEIIDDES-1013] - REST WAR Generation Action is Case-Sensitive in Regards to RESTful Extended Properties
- [TEIIDDES-1014] - java.lang.NullPointerException in Manage Extended Prioperties" Dialog After Removing a Property
- [TEIIDDES-1019] - java.lang.NullPointerException importing OnHand.wsdl via Import > Teiid Designer > WSDL into Web Service Model
- [TEIIDDES-1020] - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: nu.xom.ParsingException via Import > Teiid Designer > WSDL into Relational Source Model
- [TEIIDDES-1022] - Add Model Extension Definition ID to ModelResource
- [TEIIDDES-1026] - Teiid Designer "Import from JDBC" for SQL Server only shows dbo schema under the "Select Data Objects" screen
- [TEIIDDES-1030] - Undo of REST Extended Properties Leaves MDX in Model
- [TEIIDDES-1032] - Endpoint not Set When Creating a Web Service Data Source (Non-SOAP)
- [TEIIDDES-1035] - Column Name Incorrect for Create Data Source Dialog
- [TEIIDDES-1039] - Re-allocate VDB files panel space so models names take precedence over less important columns, such as description
- [TEIIDDES-1040] - Removing MED From Model Causes NPE
- [TEIIDDES-1041] - Change Designer's "Teiid Preview Driver" name to "Teiid Driver (default)"
- [TEIIDDES-1042] - Modeshape Connection Profile icon missing. Shows as red icon in New Connection Profile dialog
- [TEIIDDES-1044] - No easy gesture to close the Dependency Diagram view in Teiid Designer. Like a back-to-previous-view button.
- [TEIIDDES-1046] - Enabling REST for Procedures that were RESTful in 7.4.2 Leaves the Legacy Tags
- [TEIIDDES-1047] - Edit and save REST properties from a 7.4.2 model in 7.5 leaves tags in an incorrect state
- [TEIIDDES-1049] - When A Model Extension Definition (MED) Is Removed From A Model All The Associated EObject Properties Are Not Being Removed
- [TEIIDDES-1051] - Importing Salesforce tables into an empty relational model does not apply extension properties to new tables
- [TEIIDDES-1052] - Error Log Message After Removing REST Extension Properties From 7.4 Model
- [TEIIDDES-1056] - RuntimeAdapter Needs To Strip Off Extension Property Namespace Prefix Before Indexing
- [TEIIDDES-1057] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (modelResource == NULL) importing PartsSupplier from DB2
- [TEIIDDES-1058] - Importing a .vdb into a different named project than what it was created will cause java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when a model in the vdbeditor is doubleclicked
- [TEIIDDES-1061] - Model Extension Definition files are not getting exported to jars for 'sourcefunction' and 'deprecated'
- [TEIIDDES-1062] - Models With 7.4 Extension Properties Are Not Being Decorated
- [TEIIDDES-1064] - In Designer, when trying to deploy the vdb after overriding a translator property, produce an error dialog indicating the translator is not found on the server
- [TEIIDDES-1067] - NPEs upon deletion of salesforce model from the workspace
- [TEIIDDES-908] - Replace Salesforce Extension Model created during import
- [TEIIDDES-958] - Provide a way for the user to see the Teiid SQL Grammer reserved words
- [TEIIDDES-968] - Catalog and Schema should use different icons so that they can be distinquished as to their type
- [TEIIDDES-971] - In Designer, when importing tables with foreign keys, let user bring in tables without foreign key dependency errors / allow override
- [TEIIDDES-990] - Add JSON Support to Generated REST War
- [TEIIDDES-1031] - Add "Undo Make RESTful" Menu Option/Action for Virtual Procedures
Feature Requests
- [TEIIDDES-332] - New virtual procedures should always contain the prologue/postlogue, rather than require the user to remember the syntax
- [TEIIDDES-359] - Error messages displayed in the transformation editor are often too generic or too long to be useful
- [TEIIDDES-369] - Designer: Annotate objects that are 'pre-viewable'
- [TEIIDDES-946] - Add gui handling for new permission types alter/execute
- [TEIIDDES-965] - Add option to generate a war with MTOM support
- [TEIIDDES-975] - Need additional options for Model Project wizard to assist in setting up working folders for source, views, web services, schemas, extension models and function models
- [TEIIDDES-992] - Allow the use of pushdown functions without requiring Java programming
- [TEIIDDES-998] - Requesting more seamlessness in the Teiid Designer "Import Metadata from Text files on file system"
- [TEIIDDES-1017] - Create "Metadata from Teiid Metadata File" import option which utilizes DTP Flat File connection profile and targets Teiid formatted source table files
- [TEIIDDES-1065] - Update the Salesforce translator to the latest API, version 22
Quality Risks
- [TEIIDDES-126] - Add a warning for the use of a model supports property
- [TEIIDDES-1038] - Add REST Property/Model Validation
- [TEIIDDES-936] - Version 7.5 Release Work
- [TEIIDDES-981] - Preview Data Action Should Let User Know When There Is Not A Default Teiid Instance Defined
- [TEIIDDES-1015] - Verify Jackson Usage
- [TEIIDDES-1016] - Reduce the Relationship metamodel UI contirbutions to bare minimum for displaying legacy relationship models
- [TEIIDDES-1033] - Remove "Manage Extended Properties" Dialog and Logic
- [TEIIDDES-1034] - Convert 7.4 EMF Tag-Based Extension Model Framework To 7.5 Model Extension Definition Framework
- [TEIIDDES-926] - Create persistance and loading mechanism for XML-based Model Extension Definitions