Action Item Follow-up
- bleathem investigate which version of htmlunit makes more sense, in terms of achieving the best test coverage
- lfryc open JIRA for pre-release testing of Editor
- bleathem propose the new day on the discussion forum
- balunasj create a jira to track how to mark components 3rd party dependencies for future
- balunasj Update wiki and jira with dates for 4.1.0.M2 code freeze and release
M2 Status
- jQuery Update
- htmlunit issues - which version to choose?
- IE9 issues - close issues resolved by compatibility mode?
- RichFaces to provide patch for Mojarra?
- The Focus of M3
- Dates
- Switchable panels - @action and @actionListener
Community meeting time change
Considering Votes on issues
- sample request:
- Context menu:
- other requests: