Review Outstanding Action items
- jjamrich do the review of RF-11360 and report back on which is the better route to take in terms of html unit versions
- We went ahead with the older htmlunit, as we had better functional test coverage for that set of broken tests
- balunasj Review and comment on new meeting times
- balunasj create a jira to track how to mark components 3rd party dependencies for future
- balunasj Update wiki and jira with M2 & M3 dates and plans
- bleathem Provide a patch to Mojarra for JAVASERVERFACES-2063
- deferred
- lfryc create JIRA for switching Showcase and Metamer to IE comp. mode
- lfryc reject RF-10972 and create new JIRA to investigate tab @action and verify that can't affect current applications (and try to find possible workaround)
- balunasj Post on the forums that we will be having a f2f meeting next week and that the team meeting is canceled
- lfryc add Considering Votes on issues topic to F2F meeting agenda
M2 status
M3 status
- Current jira's "leftover" from M2
- OpenShift Express and Flex
- Shall we do a community vote to determine which issues to work on?
Community contributors
- Awesome to see pull requests coming in!
- Status determination re: the CLA
Split the forums: RF 3 and RF 4
- Last time we discussed this, we said we would review post f2f
- Would be easier to answer forum questions if RichFaces 3 questions were in a seperate forum