Version 10

    This page is out of date.

    In order to translate the Hibernate Search documentation you need a JBoss Account and you have to join the Zanata language team. More information about how to do that can be found in the Zanata Getting Started Guide. If you just want to contribute translation you are done. Log into choose the Hibernate Search project and version and start translating.


    If you want to build the documentation including all translations you need to checkout the Hibernate Search code itself. See Contributing to Hibernate Search for more info. You'll also need po2xml and xml2po (see also Building Hibernate from source) on your system, since the publican tool chain uses it. Last but not least, you need to create the Zanata configuration file under ~/.config/zanata.ini. This configuration contains mainly the authentication information for the Zanata server:

    # Server section
    # Format: ServerName.Attribute=Value
    # ServerName is a literature string for yourself to identify that Zanata Server
    # Attributes:
    #    url: URL of Zanata Server
    #    username: Your username on that Zanata Server
    #    key: Your API key   
    # The url value is matched with a project's zanata.xml  element
    # to provide the username and API key for the project
    jboss.url =
    jboss.username =      
    jboss.key = 

    The API key can be generated on the Zanata server and pasted into the configuration file.


    Once all this is place you can build the documentation including the translations via (assuming you are in the hibernate-search subdirectory of the source checkout):

    ./ draft


    The same script can also be used to push and pull the translations (pot and po files). For more information try:

    ./ -h


    Some relevant links are: