Version 3

    1. Purpose


    This article explains formalized process for the installation ESB 4.9 support to JBoss Application server 5.1.0.


    2. Definitions & Abbreviations


    The following definitions & abbreviations apply throughout this procedure:






    Java Development Kit


    Enterprise Service Bus

    JBoss AS

    JBoss Application Server


    3. Prerequisites

    Java JDK (version 6.0 and above recommended)

    In this procedure, you will run the self-installing executable to unpack and install the JDK software bundle. Set environmental variables JAVA_HOME to your Java (JDK) environment i.e. D:\Application\Java\jdk1.6.0_20


    Apache Ant 1.8.2 (read more)


    • Download the latest stable version of Ant from the Ant web page
    • Uncompress the downloaded file into a directory of your choice (for e.g. D:\Application\Ant)
    • Set environmental variable ANT_HOME to the directory you uncompressed Ant to i.e.  D:\Application\Ant
    • Append ANT “bin” directory path i.e.  D:\Application\Ant\bin to your “Path” environment variable.


    4. Installation of JBoss Application Server 5.1.0

    • Download the compressed (JBoss Application Server General Availability final version 5.1.0) from the
    • Extract contents of this file to JBoss Server Setup folder e.g. D:\Application\JBossSOAServer. This will create a directory named “jboss-5.1.0.GA
    • Set local environment variable JBOSS_HOME to the directory of your local JBoss Application server (i.e. D:\Application\JBossSOAServer\jboss-5.1.0.GA)
    • Check for the JVM memory allocation pool parameters in Batch run configuration file <JBOSS_HOME>\bin\run.conf.bat. Set the “Xms” (minimum heap size) and “Xmx” (maximum heap size) to realistic values as per local setup.

            For e.g. set "JAVA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m ….

    • Start the server using <JBOSS_HOME>\bin\run.bat & check the server status using local URL - http://localhost:8080/


    5. Integrate JBoss ESB 4.9 into JBoss AS

    • Download the compressed (JBoss Enterprise Service Bus version 4.9) from the
    • Extract contents of this file to into a directory (say ESB_SRC_HOME)of your choice (for e.g. D:\Installables \jbossesb-4.9)
    • rename the <ESB_SRC_HOME>/product/install/ to <ESB_SRC_HOME>/product/install/ and update the server path and configuration appropriately for your system
      • Set org.jboss.esb.server.home to <JBOSS_HOME> directory i.e. D:\Application\JBossSOAServer\jboss-5.1.0.GA
      • Set org.jboss.esb.server.config to “default”
    • Change to the <ESB_SRC_HOME>/product/install directory and run ant deploy task.
      • Open command prompt.
      • Change current directory to <ESB_SRC_HOME>/product/install directory i.e. cd D:\Installables\jbossesb-4.9\ install
      • Execute ant task i.e. ant deploy
    • Restart the JBoss AS, to confirm the integration completed successfully, without any errors / exceptions in output log.
    • Try deploying existing ESB project archive, by placing the same in <JBOSS_HOME>\server\default\deploy folder. The message queues configured should start properly and the ESB endpoint should be displayed in JBoss ESB Service Deployments (http://localhost:8080/contract/)


    6. Updating JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Admin Console (read more)

    JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Admin Console is supplied with JBoss AS 5.1.0 (http://localhost:8080/admin-console) which allows deployment new applications (WAR, EAR etc...) and also adding new resources. The application is available as a WAR file "admin-console.war" in the deploy folder of these configurations. You can access the admin-console at the following URL http://localhost:8080/admin-console. By default, the username for the application is "admin" and the password is "admin".


    During integration of ESB 4.9 to JBoss AS, ESB plug-in is added to this admin console to enable display and deployment of ESB projects. This plug-in has dependency on the JMX plug-in which is missing in default Admin Console.


    Following steps are needed to resolve this dependency.


              Change <res-ref-name>profileService</res-ref-name> to <res-ref-name>java:profileService</res-ref-name> (3 occurences)

    • In deploy/profileservice-jboss-beans.xml:

              Change <property name="jndiName">ProfileService</property> to <property name="jndiName">java:ProfileService</property> (1 occurence)


    Restart the JBoss AS Server to deploy the updated Admin Console. Check whether the ESB resources are properly displayed and deployment of new ESB projects is available from Admin Console.

    Admin Console.JPG