- Docs
- Published
- Component Ref Guide
- Developer Guide
- Still need to publish
- Javadoc
- vdl-doc
- was moved to a top-level project - did it get overlooked in the build?
- Mobile Getting Started guide
- Published
- Update the showcase deploy on Flex
- Status updates
- RF Issues
- Showcase on AS 7.1 snapshots
- RFPL issues
- rich:editor - "Style classes and skin parameters"
- RF Issues
- Code freeze
- "soft" code freeze Friday
- "hard code freeze following Wednesday
- code review M/T/W
- QE smoke tests M/T/W
Dev. Forum vs. Mail List
- Dev forums aren't ideal, mailling list would be better
- ORG-469 Enable two-way e-mail to forum (discussions) gateway
- thoughts/ideas on any alternatives?
- how to deal with jiras with "resolution != Done"? what should be fix version?