1. Get from github
$ git clone git@github.com:resteasy/Resteasy.git
2. If you need to build 2.3.x series, checkout Branch_2_3
$ cd Resteasy
$ git checkout Branch_2_3
3. Build
#if building from master cd to jaxrs
$ cd jaxrs
$ mvn install
4. Upload to Nexus (from project root)
$ mvn deploy
5. Make docbook
$ cd docbook
$ mvn install
6. Generate Javadoc (from project root)
$ mvn javadoc:javadoc
7. Create zip files
$ cd distribution
$ mvn install
8. Upload src and distro zips to sf.net
9. Release Nexus uploads
10. Upload documentation to docs.jboss.org
$ sftp resteasy@filemgmt.jboss.org
> cd docs_htdocs/resteasy/docs
> mkdir 2.3-RC1 (or whatever version)
> quit
$ unzip resteasy-jaxrs-2.3-RC1-all.zip (the distro zip has the doc structure)
$ cd resteasy-jaxrs-2.3-RC1/docs
$ rsync -rv --protocol=28 * resteasy@filemgmt.jboss.org:/docs_htdocs/resteasy/docs/2.3-RC1
11. tag release
$ git tag -a -m "2.3.1"
$ git push --tags
11. Update Magnolia site to link resteasy docs.
12. Write a blog and email about release including links to download, migration guide, docs, and blurb about what's new