Version 5

    In this Article I want to describe my activities on add new locale to GateIn,

    I add Persian Locale to it.


    My way base on GateIn References Guide that places in jBoss Directory;(Internationalization Configure)




    Locales configuration





    for first we must add this line at the end of file (02portal.war:/WEB-INF/conf/common/locales-config.xml)


        <description>Default configuration for the Persian locale</description>







    The main ResourceBundleService files listed in this configure file that if you want to add new package to your Portal you can change and add new file to it;(02portal.war:/WEB-INF/conf/common/common-configuration.xml)


    Navigation Resource Bundles





    The properties for a group must be in the WEB-INF/classes/locale/navigation/ {group | user | portal} / folder;


    content of



    organization.newstaff=کارمند جدیدمدیریت





    All shipped portlet resources are located in the locale/portlet subfolder;


    1. Create {porlet_name}
    2. In portlet.xml add this lines: