Version 3

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    This article describes the PicketLink v2.0.3.Final release from JBoss community. 


    Please refer to the detailed notes of PicketLink v2.0.0.Final for more information on what is included in 2.x release.

    Release Date

    26 March 2012


    JIRA Release Notes




    Features available for the first time in this release:


    Which versions of JBoss AS does this release support?



    JBoss AS7.1.1
    JBoss AS 6
    JBoss AS 5
    SAML Web Browser SSO ProfileYYY
    Secure Token Server (STS) Use CasesYYY
    Trust Feature (Deeper integration with JBoss EJB3 and JBoss WS)NYY



    NOTE:   PicketLink 2.0.2.Final is shipped directly inside JBoss AS 7.1.1

                 You will need to replace the jars in the module in JBoss AS7.1.0




    Which versions of Apache Tomcat does this release support?


    We currently have only tested with Apache Tomcat 6 and the SAML Web Browser SSO Profile works fine.  We will add support for Apache Tomcat 7 soon.


    Where can I get extensive documentation?


    Download a JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final distribution updated with PL 2.0.3.Final



    This custom distribution is also shipped with two example applications  (idp-sig.war and sales-post-sig.war). To log in use login guest and password guest123.

    How do I install PL 2.0.2 (and above) in AS 7.1.x?