Release Notes - Teiid Designer - Version 7.7
Teiid Designer Release 7.7 included a number of bug fixes as well as new features including:
- Guides and Status Views
- Designer Cheat Sheets
- Improved Web Service Importer
- Added SQL Templates Dialog
- Improved access to Execution Plan
- Improved View Table Creation
- [TEIIDDES-321] - Expression Builder in the Transformation Editor does not allow negative numeric constant values
- [TEIIDDES-854] - Create Web Service Action should request to save modified editor before wizard wizard is shown
- [TEIIDDES-923] - Passing NULL into a Procedure in Preview Causes Exception
- [TEIIDDES-1068] - Import of Salesforce model does not map the BusinessHours table columns correctly
- [TEIIDDES-1109] - Error while validating Web service operation transformation points to source in underlying error-free model
- [TEIIDDES-1118] - Add/Remove operations on a VDB should block other operations on the VDB
- [TEIIDDES-1154] - Model Extension Definition (MED) Editor Does Not Reload When The MED File Was Changed On The File System From Outside The MED Editor
- [TEIIDDES-1156] - Cache hint not being displayed after validation of Virtual Procedure in JBoss Developer Studio
- [TEIIDDES-1175] - Importing a new model when an existing model is selected in the modeler tree works, but leaves old model info in Data Source props
- [TEIIDDES-1179] - Source Tab Of MED Editor Does Not Set Header Title
- [TEIIDDES-1184] - Model Extension Property Definitions With Allowed Values But Without A Default Value Throw Exception In Properties View
- [TEIIDDES-1186] - Teiid Designer Generating a RESTEasy War file returns no value
- [TEIIDDES-1192] - Import Flat File Source >> Source and View Model places model in root directory and not selected sub-directories
- [TEIIDDES-1199] - New Teiid Instance: Admin test doesn't indicate it's admin (and more)
- [TEIIDDES-1200] - Synchronizing a VDB takes too long in 7.4.2
- [TEIIDDES-1204] - XmlProfileDetailsWizardPage.NotXmlUrl.Message not found in i18n properties
- [TEIIDDES-1206] - CLONE - Unable to connect to the Teiid Server
- [TEIIDDES-1210] - MED Schema Should Enforce Unique Extend Metaclass And Unique Property Definition IDs Within A Metaclass
- [TEIIDDES-1215] - Clicking button to expand SQL in transformation editor gets UnhandledEventLoopException
- [TEIIDDES-1224] - Deleting MED from ModelExplorer does not close the open Editor
- [TEIIDDES-1225] - 'Add MED to Registry' action allows attempt to add an invalid MED to the registry
- [TEIIDDES-1226] - Removal of SF builtIn MED from SFModel results in empty model file
- [TEIIDDES-1227] - Exception starting Designer with Empty VDB
- [TEIIDDES-1231] - IllegalArgumentException on re-import of JDBC tables
- [TEIIDDES-1232] - SWT Thread access error in Transformation Editor.
- [TEIIDDES-1237] - Apostrophe Malfunction in Use Qualified Names tool-tip
- [TEIIDDES-1238] - NPE opening web service model for editing
- [TEIIDDES-1239] - SWT Thread access error in DqpUiPlugin shutting down Designer
- [TEIIDDES-1242] - Designer needs to upgrade to Teiid 7.7.x client to fix TEIID-1882
- [TEIIDDES-1247] - XMI files have ProducerVersion numbers suffixed with ".qualifier"
- [TEIIDDES-1249] - Message errors with Flat File and XML File import wizards
- [TEIIDDES-1252] - Overriden Translator name is reset to original Traslator name when synchronize called
- [TEIIDDES-1254] - The System.vdb is not up to date
- [TEIIDDES-1255] - Execution plan without executing the query
- [TEIIDDES-1266] - The VDB editor Query Timeout specifies seconds, but it's really milliseconds
- [TEIIDDES-1270] - SQL Templates for Insert, Update, and Delete queries need to be modified to represent new syntax for Teiid 7.7
- [TEIIDDES-1275] - CreateViewTableAction icon needs to be replaced.
- [TEIIDDES-1276] - Action Set for "Model Flat File Source > Create source model from local flat file source" opens wrong wizard.
- [TEIIDDES-1277] - Cheat Sheet for "Model Local XML File Source" inconsistent with other sheets
- [TEIIDDES-1283] - Preview Error - Unable to transform column type
- [TEIIDDES-1290] - NPE importing Flat File or XML File on Finish
- [TEIIDDES-1291] - Add "Deprecated" to the Function model class option in the New Model Wizard
- [TEIIDDES-942] - Need better indication of Error in Query Plan retrieval
- [TEIIDDES-1027] - CLONE - Allow for the parsing of fixed width files that don't use delimiters.
- [TEIIDDES-1102] - Improve the SQL Results View
- [TEIIDDES-1165] - MED Editor Overview page should utilize same "Model Class" and "Model Type" combo boxes as the New Metadata Model wizard.
- [TEIIDDES-1187] - Add MED Editor's Overview info as a second page in the New MED wizard
- [TEIIDDES-1213] - Improve WSDL to Source Wizard
- [TEIIDDES-1230] - Add ability to create View tables/model during JDBC import
- [TEIIDDES-1236] - vdb.xml file model element should have a metamodel class attribute
- [TEIIDDES-1240] - Add ability to set description and add models in the New VDB wizard
- [TEIIDDES-1265] - Improvements to Execution Plan retrieval
- [TEIIDDES-1274] - Remove duplicate actions for New Child/Sibling > 'Base Table'
- [TEIIDDES-1278] - Cheat Sheet Links and Sheet titles should be consistent
- [TEIIDDES-1279] - Cheat Sheet for "Create multi-source VDB" need work
- [TEIIDDES-1280] - Fix intro wording on Cheat Sheets
Feature Request
- [TEIIDDES-880] - Execution Plan for a query executed in Teiid is hard to find in JBDS
- [TEIIDDES-1194] - Provide query plan for the preview queries
- [TEIIDDES-1202] - Teiid Designer (DTP) Execute All sends all queries at once to Server - Server should handle these bulk queries
- [TEIIDDES-1214] - Provide view that organizes quick-links to lists of common modeling tasks
- [TEIIDDES-1228] - Create Preview Data Dialog
- [TEIIDDES-1235] - Create a "Consume a SOAP Web Service" cheat sheet
Quality Risk
- [TEIIDDES-1069] - The Wizard for Creating Web Service (SOAP and Non-SOAP) Needs Clarification
- [TEIIDDES-1182] - MED Boolean Property Definitions Should Not Store Allowed Values In The MED
- [TEIIDDES-1190] - Version 7.7 Release Work
- [TEIIDDES-1205] - Reminder to deprecate the old extension framework for later removal
- [TEIIDDES-1218] - Modify Built-In MEDs To Have A Scheme And A Year
- [TEIIDDES-1219] - Extension Property Keys Should Include The Namespace URI When Indexed
- [TEIIDDES-1263] - Need to add a MED to attach Translator Override properties to a source or view model
- [TEIIDDES-1269] - Teiid Designer Import and New wizards need a way to create a Teiid Model Project if no open/valid projects exist in workspace
- [TEIIDDES-1281] - Find common usages of IPropertiesContext props and create utility methods
- [TEIIDDES-1286] - Fix cheat sheet property initialization issues
- [TEIIDDES-882] - Create new SOAP service connection profile.
- [TEIIDDES-1066] - Enable editing of the translator override when its being created, the name is not editable
- [TEIIDDES-1191] - Version 7.7 Release Documentation
- [TEIIDDES-1221] - Create an Advisor View that can monitor state for a given context and use-case
- [TEIIDDES-1223] - Create SQL String Template framework and dialog for use in new view construction and SQL editing
- [TEIIDDES-1261] - Add Better Support for SOAP Envelopes Elements in the Request and Response of Web Service Sources
- [TEIIDDES-1262] - Modifications Needed for WSDL to Source Importer