Version 5

    The build qualifier for the Eclipse plugins is generated automatically by Tycho.  Because of this, standard Maven versioning does not apply.  This is a guide detailing the steps required to create a release of the SwitchYard Eclipse tooling.

    Updating the Build Qualifier

    There are a few steps required to update the build qualifier:

    1. pom.xml files must be updated as follows:
      1. tools/pom.xml
        1. Update the project version from -SNAPSHOT to .Final, .CR1, etc. For example, 0.4.0.Final
      2. tools/eclipse/pom.xml
        1. Update the parent version to match the version of ../pom.xml (e.g. 0.4.0.Final).
        2. Update the version.switchyard.runtime property to match the runtime version (e.g. 0.4.0.Final).
    2. Kick off a manual build in Hudson, setting the BUILD_ALIAS property appropriately (e.g. Final).
    3. Ensure the resulting build is marked as persistent, so it won't be automatically deleted.

    Updating the Project Version

    1. pom.xml files must be updated as follows: (Note, all projects under tools/eclipse must be SNAPSHOT versions.)
      1. tools/pom.xml
        1. Update the project version (e.g. 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT)
      2. tools/eclipse/pom.xml
        1. Update the parent version to match the version of ../pom.xml (e.g. 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT).
        2. Update project version (e.g. 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT)
        3. Update the version.switchyard.runtime property to match the runtime version (e.g. 0.4.0.Final).
      3. Update the parent version for all pom.xml files under tools/eclipse (e.g. tools/eclipse/plugins/pom.xml)
    2. Update all Eclipse manifest files (i.e. MANIFEST.MF, feature.xml, site.xml, etc.) to the new version (e.g. 0.5.0.qualifier).
    3. Update  versions for all internal (i.e. SwitchYard plugin) bundle dependencies (e.g. from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0).