Brief list of things to keep on the radar while we are occupied with other higher priority tasks.
- Provide sniff tests to the build to automatically validate packaging
- Simple script that could be invoked locally or in CI. It runs each packaged server one by one (AS5, AS7, Tomcat…) and performs small set of basic selenium tests or better HTMLUnit test cases to check if server was booted properly. For each server logs are preserved with a simple report.
- Automatic Pull Request validation
- Github hook that automatically validates in CI environment if submitted PR is not breaking the build. Requires good sniff tests first as it is hard to validate if packaging is not broken without manual check.
- Clanup tasks
- Common code style - with build level enforcement for both java and xml files. Involves providing IDE formatting files.
- Component versioning - should be in sync with in the long run
- Package naming - ensure that all new packages are "org.gatein.*". Identify those that can be renamed without too much of compatibility issues.
- Error codes. Good example is here
- Any new design work, like public APIs should include this.
- Migrate documentation to confluence. Reference Guide and User Guide should end up here:
- Review, improve and document current CI setup