Hello everybody,
I am newbie with Gradle, Git and I have a problem building from source. I have so many questions !
- What is the difference between using this command "git clone git:http//github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm.git" and downloading directly the zip file from GIT ? No difference, i am right ?
- Second, I've used, as it was said, the command "git clone...", then "cd hibernate-orm" and "./gradlew clean build". What exactly does the last command do ? Can somebody explain that to me please ? Double clicking on the gradlew.bat does exactly the same, right ?
- What about this command "gradle eclipse" ? When should I use this command ? After "./gradle clean build" ?
- What could happen if I skip the tests (I have an error on hibernate.infinispan test) ?
As you see I am totaly lost.