Version 4

    (1) JBossAS7 upstream master



    (2) CD Blue



    (3) CD AS7 integration




    Build (1) - mvn clean install



    Build (2) - mvn clean install -DskipTests



    When building (3), set -Djboss.dir to (1)'s AS build and enable -Pupdate-as profile.

    e.g. "mvn clean install -Pupdate-as -Djboss.dir=/Users/alesj/jboss-as7-cd/build/target/jboss-as-7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT"



    Done. :-)



    Run AS7 with:


    ./ -c standalone-capedwarf.xml -b <your_ip>



    Running default CapeDwarf tests


    As you could see in the first post - we disabled tests while building (2).

    It's a chicken-n-egg problem ;-), we first need CapeDwarf present in AS7 to be able to run the tests.


    We support running GAE apps w/o GAE API jar -- as GAE API jar is actually also a module in AS7.

    But this means you need to byte modify the GAE API jar first -- to enable CapeDwarf services to override defaults.


    The easiest is to setup CapeDwarf Blue project in your IDE and run CapedwarfTransformerMojo class.

    CapedwarfTransformerMojo::main takes a single argument, a path to GAE API jar in your JBossAS7 CapeDwarf distribution.

    e.g. /Users/alesj/jboss-as7-cd/build/target/jboss-as-7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT/modules/com/google/appengine/main/appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.7.0.jar


    Running CapeDwarf testsuite against real GAE


    We can also run CapeDwarf testsuite against real GAE instance - local or remote.


    (a) local: mvn clean install -Pgae -Dappengine.sdk.root=<path_to_GAE_SDK>


    (b) remote: mvn clean install -Pgae-remote -Dappengine.sdk.root=<path_to_GAE_SDK><email> -Dappengine.password=<password> -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true


    We add "-Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true" as not all tests pass atm.

    (we need to check if it actually makes sense for all of them to pass; e.g. diff impl behavior might be allowed?)


    We support running GAE apps w/o GAE API jar -- as GAE API jar is actually also a module in AS7.

    But this means you need to byte modify the GAE API jar first -- to enable CapeDwarf services to override defaults.


    The easiest is to setup CapeDwarf Blue project in your IDE and run CapedwarfTransformerMojo class.

    CapedwarfTransformerMojo::main takes a single argument, a path to GAE API jar in your JBossAS7 CapeDwarf distribution.

    e.g. /Users/alesj/jboss-as7-cd/build/target/jboss-as-7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT/modules/com/google/appengine/main/appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.7.0.jar


    Or you can run a cmd line similar to this one:



    Running cluster tests


    We already have a few cluster tests you can run:



    You need to enable -Pcluster profile to actually run the tests -- they don't run by default.

    See readme.txt for more info -- manually starting 2 nodes, etc, ...


    This article was generated from the following discussion: Building and testing CapeDwarf