Version 1


    Kim is a regular user of artifacts in the S-RAMP system.  She likes to be informed of the latest information so that she can include existing artifacts in her work rather than re-creating the work others have already done.


    System Narrative:

    System path 1 -

    Kim receives a daily e-mail update from the S-RAMP system of the content changes that have occurred.  This informs Kim of new files (with their description), updates that occurred to existing files, deletions, and new ontologies & classifications that have occurred in the system.    Sometimes she will click into specific updates to see more information about the artifact and the changes that occurred to it.


    System path 2 -

    Kim sees a “latest activity” panel on the dashboard of her system when she logs in for the day.  This shows her the most recent changes that have occurred in the system and allows her to stay up to date with what others are contributing.






    Related Scenarios:

    S-RAMP Scenario: Find and use existing artifacts