Version 2


    A co-worker tells Kim that a project she is going to work on already has a long-standing artifact that she might be able to re-use, but that he’s not sure what the current version supports.  Kim wants to understand the history of this artifact as well as the current version so that she can discuss potential future use of it with her team.


    System Narrative:

    Kim navigates to the artifact by entering the artifact name into a keyword search.  She sees the artifact she was looking for, along with supporting materials for that artifact.  She opens the details for the artifact, and sees its version history. She can see that this artifact was updated 5 times before it went into production, and since it has been in production it has been updated another 3 times.  She doesn’t care about the pre-production changes, so she clicks to open each of the 2 previous versions of the artifact since it has been released.  After looking through the material and taking a few notes that she wants to share with her team, she exists the application.




    Related Scenarios:

    S-RAMP Scenario: Maven build upload

    S-RAMP Scenario: Update files manually