When using a hardware loadbalancer you can leverage from the ability of mod_cluster to calculate server-side load metrics to determine how best to balance requests.
By default, these metrics are not accessible from outside of mod_cluster, but a minor code change to the distribution allows you to access this so called “loadbalance factor” through JMX. A healthcheck servlet could access this information and provide this to the hardware load balancer.
Follow the steps below to modify your mod_cluster distribution to enable additional JMX information:
# Download the mod_cluster source (version 1.0.10-GA was used in combination with JBoss EAP 5.1.x) {code}
$ svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/mod_cluster/tags/1.0.10.GA
# Update the pom.xml to include additional repository for trove (see: [this post|]) {code:xml}
<name>Maven Nuxeo Repository</name>
# Verify the non-patched mod_cluster build process; skip the tests as you might run into issues with your local firewall {code}
$ mvn -P dist package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
# You will find the mod_cluster SAR under the target/ directory: {code}
│ └── mod-cluster-jboss-beans.xml
└── mod-cluster-1.0.10.GA.jar
1 directory, 2 files
# Edit src/main/java/org/jboss/modcluster/load/impl/DynamicLoadBalanceFactorProviderMBean.java and add to the MBean interface: {code}
* Returns the loadbalance factor
* @return a positive integer
int getLoadBalanceFactor();
# Run the maven task again {code}
$ mvn -P dist package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
# Install the mod_cluster server components to your JBoss installation by copying the mod_cluster.sar exploded archive to SERVER_HOME/deploy directory
# Follow the instructions for the Lifecycle listener [here|http://docs.jboss.org/mod_cluster/1.0.0/html/javaconf.html]
# Enable the load metrics as described [here|http://docs.jboss.org/mod_cluster/1.0.0/html/javaload.html|here]
Last, but not least, you can get the loadbalancer factor through JMX when browsing to: jboss.web:LoadbalancerProvider.