- Last week's minutes
- 4.3.0.M2
- Released!
- 4.3.0.M3
- Sandbox components
- Watermark
- Focus
- Schedule
- jQuery UI upgrade
- Sandbox components
- Kitchensink Quickstart/Archetype
- RF-12250: Status update
- Archetype new release of the 4.2.3 Kitchensink archetype
- JSF 2.2
- Test RichFaces w/ JSF 2.2
- Impact of new features
- Faces Flows
- Multi-templating
- HTML5 friendly markup
- Loading Facelets via ResourceHandler
- File Upload component
- + other "smaller" features
- Community
- RFPL-2501 Contributing.md document in repos: https://github.com/blog/1184-contributing-guidelines
- Testing
- Warp Status
- Graphene Status