- Last week's minutes
- https://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesTeamMeetingAgenda2012-11-20#comment-11162
- Action items by person:
- bleathem
- bleathem proof-read CONTRIBUTING.md
- bleathem setup cname for showcase-latest.richfaces.org -> showcaselatest-richfaces.rhcloud.com
- lfryc
- lfryc setup openshift instance for showcase latest hosting: showcaselatest-richfaces.rhcloud.com
- ppitonak
- ppitonak try if "fundamental" tests passes with Graphene Alpha2
- ppitonak setup jenkins job deploying latest showcase to openshift
- bleathem
- https://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesTeamMeetingAgenda2012-11-20#comment-11162
- 4.3.0.M3
- Status
- Current Sprint: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=221
- Kitchensink Quickstart/Archetype
- RF-12250: Status update
- 4.2.3.Final-1 archetype release status
- Bootstrap
- status
- Testing
- status