- Last week's minutes:
- https://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesTeamMeetingAgenda2012-12-11#comment-11287
- Action Items
- bleathem
- follow up with fbricon re: JBIDE-13059
- bleathem
- 4.3.0.M3
- release jira: RFPL-2517
- status
- issue highlights
- 4.3.0.CR1
- status
- issue highlights (jhuska - these have great impact on showcase autocomplete demos)
- RichFaces dependency on JSF 2.1
- RF-12670: JSF 2.0 compatibility issue, NoSuchFieldError: javax/faces/component/visit/VisitHint.SKIP_ITERATION
- Is it beneficial to hold RichFaces back to use older JSF APIs?
- RichFaces 5
- plan
- Bootstrap
- status
- Testing
- status