Version 7
    • Last week's minutes
    • Action items, by person

      • bleathem

        • bleathem: Prepare a 4.3.1 jira version with appropriate issues scheduled, and share it on the dev forum for review/feedback

        • lfryc, bleathem Determine where the problem for RF-12790 lies, in RichFaces or in Mojarra

        • bleathem Start a dev forum post to brainstorm topics for GSOC projects

      • lfryc

        • lfryc, bleathem Determine where the problem for RF-12790 lies, in RichFaces or in Mojarra

        • lfryc update and publish roadmap for Graphene and Warp

      • ppitonak

        • ppitonak: Verify that RF-12769 is a regression

        • ppitonak create RF JIRA for migration of page fragments to framework and assign it to lfryc

        • ppitonak: Link to the JAVASERVERFACES JSF 2.2/CDI issue from the RF dev forum

    • 4.3.1
    • Bootstrap
    • Sandbox
    • JIRA
      • Simplified "Create new issue" view: ORG-1453