Release Notes - Teiid Designer - Release 8.2 Final
- [TEIIDDES-417] - Metadata from Text File importer requires use of file Browse button even though file can be entered manually - Finish button is enabled
- [TEIIDDES-1176] - Usability Issue: On DDL importer, need better feed back when a file cannot be imported
- [TEIIDDES-1211] - Exporting DDL for Postgres produces invalid CREATE INDEX statement because duplicate object names in database
- [TEIIDDES-1289] - After importing metadata using the ModeShape jdbc driver, the connection information was not propagated from the connection profile
- [TEIIDDES-1341] - Input of Sybase Procedures sets all parameters as UNKNOWN and Designer gives only warnings not errors on the direction not being set
- [TEIIDDES-1387] - Encountered NPE during XML Remote import
- [TEIIDDES-1417] - Problems After Renaming Model Which Is A Dependency For Other Models
- [TEIIDDES-1425] - Refactor > Rename of abstraction layer model was partially reflected in transformation
- [TEIIDDES-1428] - Unable to create multiple Teiid Server Connection profiles pointing to the same server
- [TEIIDDES-1436] - Hand Generated XML Document Models do not Correctly Associate Namespace URI/Prefix with Elements
- [TEIIDDES-1437] - Status View Entries Enable Then Disable When Selecting To Enable Change Project
- [TEIIDDES-1440] - Stopping remote Teiid server stays in 'Stopping status' even after server is down. Then can't restart
- [TEIIDDES-1484] - File Source importer reverses view/table name typing on Windows
- [TEIIDDES-1502] - Failure to access Oracle data source with column names enclosed in double quotes
- [TEIIDDES-1515] - Cannot set ROW_NUMBER() on Transformation Editor
- [TEIIDDES-1633] - XML Namespaces are not imported for Child Element
- [TEIIDDES-1641] - Eclipse Juno 4.0 freezes while generating JBossWS-CXF war
- [TEIIDDES-1655] - Teiid importer needs to handle schema and catalog cases for generated model
- [TEIIDDES-1658] - NPE Viewing Transformation
- [TEIIDDES-1661] - "Create expression" doesn't bind virtual column to function
- [TEIIDDES-1662] - Missing source tables in relational view model
- [TEIIDDES-1667] - Ability to define UDF with vararg to be used in a static VDB
- [TEIIDDES-1669] - Column Datatype Missing Generating Virtual Table From SELECT Clause Containing A Function And Alias
- [TEIIDDES-1670] - DDL Importer - problem with re-import when setting descriptions
- [TEIIDDES-1674] - DDL Importer - does not handle extension properties
- [TEIIDDES-1686] - When deploying a VDB, selected to create a corresponding Datasource but none created
- [TEIIDDES-1687] - Deploy VDB action gives no feedback when server is unavailable
- [TEIIDDES-1693] - Table name "product:info: being imported as "product}info" through new Teiid Connection importer
- [TEIIDDES-1697] - Performance bottlenecks when accessing all resources in workspace
- [TEIIDDES-1699] - Issue with ServerView leads to Out of Memory condition
- [TEIIDDES-1700] - Closing projects results in NPE's trying to run preview vdb jobs with closed projects.
- [TEIIDDES-1701] - Deleting model open in dirty editor results in org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access
- [TEIIDDES-1702] - VdbUtil.validateVdbModelsInWorkspace() failing because WorkspaceResourceFinderUtil does not find any models in project via visitor
- [TEIIDDES-1704] - IllegalArgumentException getting CommandHelper.getProjectedSymbols(). getResultSetColumns() may be null
- [TEIIDDES-1705] - Model imported from DDL is missing relational model extension MED
- [TEIIDDES-1706] - During DDL re-import the MergeProcessorImpl processes the ModelAnnotationImpl but misses key properties
- [TEIIDDES-1709] - Unable to import relational model from xml
- [TEIIDDES-1712] - Attempt to delete view table results in ClassCastException
- [TEIIDDES-1713] - Display Flashes and yields stack overflow - after creating a View Table
- [TEIIDDES-1714] - NPEs observed with DotProjectUtils in the designer log
- [TEIIDDES-1715] - Transformation Editor problems with Update/Insert/Delete Tabs
- [TEIIDDES-1718] - New Child/Sibling actions for view model launch the source model actions
- [TEIIDDES-1719] - UDF jar path is required for SalesForce Function Model
- [TEIIDDES-1722] - Flat File Importer - selection of directory with pdfs causes designer to freeze.
- [TEIIDDES-1723] - Refactor>Rename/Move do not enable in ModelExplorer
- [TEIIDDES-1725] - As default behavior, Importing DDL into an existing model removed the other tables
- [TEIIDDES-1727] - Servers View - Translators folder is alway empty
- [TEIIDDES-1733] - IllegalArgumentException right-clicking with 2 or more projects selected
- [TEIIDDES-1735] - Importing DDL Tables containing FK with no column references to table reference does not set unique key
- [TEIIDDES-1737] - Missing message for key "Common.Security.Type.Label" in :org.teiid.designer.datatool.ui.i18n
- [TEIIDDES-1738] - Data role editor modifications can result in duplicate roles being generated.
- [TEIIDDES-1740] - Create Data Source Should not Prompt for Password for Non-Secured WS Sources
- [TEIIDDES-1741] - Teiid Importer fails to get DDL for long schema
- [TEIIDDES-1742] - Creation of multiple non-JDBC sources in Designer requires JBossAS restarts
- [TEIIDDES-1743] - VDB Translator Overrides panel has button sizing issues
- [TEIIDDES-1746] - Error setting OData CP on Source Model
- [TEIIDDES-1749] - Extension Properties in Table Editor incorrect
- [TEIIDDES-1750] - Deleting model object with closed editor results in ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception
- [TEIIDDES-1751] - Using Database Explorer, requires running server in order to connect using Teiid JDBC driver
- [TEIIDDES-1755] - Deleting Model Project Set and setting "Delete from File System" results in NPE
- [TEIIDDES-1756] - web service generator get stuck
- [TEIIDDES-1757] - Model Extensions Not Loading
- [TEIIDDES-1758] - NPE in DDL Importer if Resource is Not Selected Prior to Import
- [TEIIDDES-1759] - DdlImporter throws illegal arg exceptions if model name is empty. Should be validation error and message in SelectTranslatorAndTargetPage
- [TEIIDDES-1762] - Text File importer dialog has missing i18n properties
- [TEIIDDES-1766] - Cannot preview WSDL webservice
- [TEIIDDES-1767] - Cannot redeploy a vdb with webservice datasource
- [TEIIDDES-1768] - Eclipse auto-build scripts are not cross-platform
- [TEIIDDES-1775] - CoreException re-starting JBDS + Designer 8.2 Nighly with previously defined server
- [TEIIDDES-1776] - Deleting only server instance does not remove server definition text (mm://localost:9999) in Default Teiid Server section in Model Explorer
- [TEIIDDES-1780] - Translator Override + (add) property button should not be enabled unless Override Translator is selected
- [TEIIDDES-1783] - Import of Oracle DDL with indexes does not create them
- [TEIIDDES-1784] - Selecting individual tables in Teiid Connection importer still results in all tables being imported
- [TEIIDDES-1785] - JBT Integration Stack Issues
- [TEIIDDES-1787] - Guides view action and wizard properties not behaving properly
- [TEIIDDES-1788] - Inclusion of plugin in designer feature conflicts with JBDS 7 CR1
- [TEIIDDES-1789] - Creating new model project does not result in project preview vdb being created. Results in failed preview
- [TEIIDDES-1790] - MED Editor metaclass selection dialog does not enable OK button
- [TEIIDDES-1791] - DDL Importer does not launch after new installation
- [TEIIDDES-1792] - Folders were not created in project
- [TEIIDDES-1793] - NPE when clicking finish when importing File Source (XML)
- [TEIIDDES-1799] - When creating REST war, using the Change button for the war location doesn't apply the selection
- [TEIIDDES-1802] - NPE when trying to add Result Set to the procedure that is being created
- [TEIIDDES-1803] - Error generating JBossWS-CXF war
- [TEIIDDES-1804] - Enablement issues with VDB Translator Overrides and Properties panels
- [TEIIDDES-1805] - Missing message key for - "AddGeneralPropertyDialog.invalidPropertyName" in: org.teiid.designer.vdb.i18n
- [TEIIDDES-1807] - Can not select JAR files in "Generate RestEasy WAR" wizard
- [TEIIDDES-1813] - Restart of Designer and JBoss Server does not always reconnect to Teiid Server
- [TEIIDDES-1821] - Modeshape JDBC import option does not work
- [TEIIDDES-1824] - New Server does not show up in 'Change Default Server' options
- [TEIIDDES-1825] - OData MED not getting picked up in Designer kit
- [TEIIDDES-974] - Can't move/copy mulitple webservice models and get them into a new location
- [TEIIDDES-1259] - USABILITY: When reconciling transformation and reserved word is encountered, can the error message indicate its a reserved word
- [TEIIDDES-1285] - Deprecate and remove the ability to create a "View" table, because the "base table" does the job and it supports foreign keys
- [TEIIDDES-1303] - Add OData Translator to Designer
- [TEIIDDES-1348] - Investigate Adding Additional VDB Properties
- [TEIIDDES-1591] - Improve the default eclipse dialog for entering the secure storage password
- [TEIIDDES-1622] - Sort out the refactoring framework
- [TEIIDDES-1643] - Refactor the ModelExplorerNavigator
- [TEIIDDES-1654] - DDL Importer needs to better handle constraint naming in generated model
- [TEIIDDES-1660] - DDL Importer should correct Primary Key referencing a nullable column
- [TEIIDDES-1663] - Create Relational Child Dialogs have sizing issues
- [TEIIDDES-1677] - VDB editor layout needs work - model visibility column is hidden
- [TEIIDDES-1680] - Show warning dialog if user is deploying a VDB that is not synchronized
- [TEIIDDES-1688] - Guides View actions are inconsistent for actions where running server is required.
- [TEIIDDES-1694] - Need a more obvious way to change the Default Server
- [TEIIDDES-1703] - Delete Model action default behavior is to delete all dependent models and probably not what users expects. Re-visit use-case
- [TEIIDDES-1711] - On Create Table Dialog, the text on Native Query Tab gets clipped
- [TEIIDDES-1717] - Flat File Importer should allow alternate file extensions
- [TEIIDDES-1753] - Allow Creation of REST based Procedures in Designer
- [TEIIDDES-1761] - Add tool tips for items on Source Binding Definition tab
- [TEIIDDES-1770] - Add Teiid Connection importer timeout to preferences
- [TEIIDDES-1771] - DDL Import Wizard - DDL File combo box needs improvement
- [TEIIDDES-1806] - Allow vdb property names with "-" dash in them
- [TEIIDDES-1815] - Add HTTPBasic Support to Generated REST WAR
Feature Request
- [TEIIDDES-275] - Designer should collect cost analysis statistics at import time, by default, for any data source that supports it
- [TEIIDDES-883] - Add support for Ingres database
- [TEIIDDES-904] - Add JDBC import support for Intersystems Cache
- [TEIIDDES-930] - Add Support for Mondrian (OLAP)
- [TEIIDDES-1193] - Add Hive importer
- [TEIIDDES-1322] - KRB5/GSSAPI Authentication support
- [TEIIDDES-1480] - Add handling for language support in vdbs
- [TEIIDDES-1548] - Add GUI handling for permission conditions
- [TEIIDDES-1557] - Add Greenplum importer
- [TEIIDDES-1642] - WAR Generator Excludes Input/Output Schemas When Workspace Location Includes Spaces (Windows Only)
- [TEIIDDES-1647] - Multiple NODEFAULT and DEFAULT NS Added to Generated Procedure When Importing WSDL
- [TEIIDDES-1679] - Move Status View to lower left corner in modeler perspective
- [TEIIDDES-1696] - 8.2 Release Work
- [TEIIDDES-1739] - Refactor DdlImporter into dialect-specific processors.
- [TEIIDDES-1748] - Account for Data Source Type Names Change in Teiid 8.4
- [TEIIDDES-1752] - Creating a Teiid Connection for an 8.4 Server Fails Due to Wrong Version
- [TEIIDDES-1760] - Teiid Server Cache Does not Update After Adding Preview Source
- [TEIIDDES-1763] - Remove remaining jar libraries from codebase
- [TEIIDDES-1773] - QuickStart article needs to be reviewed
- [TEIIDDES-1774] - Create Guides View Action Set for new Teiid Connection Importer
- [TEIIDDES-1795] - Add properties to a VDB to hold validation date/time and Teiid version a nd show in VDB Editor
Quality Risk
- [TEIIDDES-931] - Change the default to qualify name in source
- [TEIIDDES-1710] - Update Teiid runtime to 8.4
- [TEIIDDES-1726] - Verify Teiid Importer using 8.4 Teiid Server
- [TEIIDDES-1729] - Determine feasibility of connection to and management of a Teiid Server on OpenShift
- [TEIIDDES-1764] - add allow-join to the relational med
- [TEIIDDES-1781] - Need to Create Built-in MED for OData
- [TEIIDDES-879] - Automtically create DTP Driver Definition based upon Teiid Runtime Configuration
- [TEIIDDES-1734] - Update Target Platform to jboss tools 4.1.0
- [TEIIDDES-1819] - Add Server Management section to Teiid Designer Users Guide
- [TEIIDDES-1828] - Modify Designer's Help plugin to update the TOC to reflect the latest 8.2 DOCS and external/http links