Version 2


    since there was nothing on the web for the WebMethods integration with JBoss I took the chance to put some effort on it and make it run on the latest 6.1EAP JBoss server. Here are the steps needed.


    • Edit the standard-full.xml at ..\jboss-as-7.xl\standalone\configuration directory
    • Add the system-properties (file standard-full.xml)  element right after the extensions element. Do not omit them.
    • </extensions>


      <property name="com.webmethods.jms.ssl.keystore" value="keystore.p12"/>      

      <property name="com.webmethods.jms.ssl.truststore" value="truststore.jks"/>      

      <property name="" value="5"/>      

      <property name="" value="4"/>      

      <property name="" value="30"/>      

      <property name="com.webmethods.jms.keepAliveInterval" value="15"/>      

      <property name="com.webmethods.jms.keepAliveAttempts" value="10"/>      

      <property name="com.webmethods.jms.reconnectAttempts" value="10"/>


    • In section urn:jboss:domain:ejb3:1.2 (file standard-full.xml) edit the following:
    • <mdb>

      <resource-adapter-ref resource-adapter-name="webm-jmsra.rar"/>

      <bean-instance-pool-ref pool-name="mdb-strict-max-pool"/>


    • Copy/extract inside the jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\modules\com or for the 6.1 EAP here: jboss-eap-6.1\modules\system\layers\base\com the contents of the rar file without the genericra.jar file and use the module file attached.
    • Inside the folder  jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\modules\org\jboss\as\ee\main or jboss-eap-6.1\modules\system\layers\base\org\jboss\as\ee\main,  edit the module.xml file and add the line

    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="">


    <module name="com.webmethods.jms"/>   



    • Get the resource adapter provided from SAG and explode it as a directory inside the deployment directory from JBoss.Replace the Manifest file with the attached and add the ironjacamar.xml (attached) inside it.
    • Edit the standard-full.xml and
    • Change your MDB annotations to match the Factory defined.
    • Create a publisher which will be injected with the connection factory described in the ironjacamar file.
    • Start your JBoss@