- Last week's minutes
- https://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesTeamMeetingAgenda2013-10-08#comment-12866
- Action Items
- lfryc
- lfryc Expand on the js comments in the karma and jasmine config of richwidgets
- lfryc create jquery-jasmine issue to track the idea of DOM comparison (toHaveEqualDom)
- ppitonak
- ppitonak: Have QE team review orderingList and pickList jasmine tests
- ppitonak: plan the testing for RichFaces 4.5
- lfryc
- GSoC - Chart Components
- https://community.jboss.org/thread/232945 Component review:
- RichFaces 4.3.4.Final
- Atmosphere regression
- RichFaces UI 4.5.0.Alpha1
- status
- RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha2
- https://issues.jboss.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=331&view=detail Current RichFaces 5 Sprint
- RichWidgets
- Other
- Mailing-list <-> forum bridge