Which projects contain I18N resources for workbench?
[GWT I18N]
- https://github.com/droolsjbpm/uberfire
- https://github.com/droolsjbpm/guvnor
- https://github.com/droolsjbpm/kie-wb-common
- https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm-console-ng
- https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm-form-modeler (contains ResourceBundle as well)
- https://github.com/droolsjbpm/drools-wb
- https://github.com/droolsjbpm/kie-wb-distributions
[Javascript based I18N]
[Java ResourceBundle]
Which projects trigger GWT compile?
- drools-wb -> DroolsWorkbench.gwt.xml (Basic workbench)
- kie-wb-distributions/kie-drools-wb -> KIEDroolsWebapp.gwt.xml (BRMS workbench)
- kie-wb-distributions/kie-wb -> KIEWebapp.gwt.xml (BPMS workbench)
The following projects also do GWT compile for standalone or showcase build.
- jbpm-designer/jbpm-designer-standalone
- jbpm-form-modeler/jbpm-form-modeler-showcase
- jbpm-console-ng/jbpm-console-ng-showcase
- uberfire/uberfire-showcase
Note: You need to run mvn with '-P fullProfile' to complie I18N resources. Also make sure that dependant projects which contain I18N resources (*_xx_YY.properties) are built beforehand.
mvn clean install -P fullProfile -DskipTests
Tips: You may notice that gwt-maven-plugin <configuration> of fullProfile doesn't include <extraJvmArgs>. <extraJvmArgs> is inherited from FastCompile (default) configuration. If you face OutOfMemoryError on gwt compile, increase the Xmx value in the <extraJvmArgs>.
How to build kie-wb-distributions with latest translations
- Pull latest codes
droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/script/git-all.sh pull
- Go to each project which is connected to Zanata. Pull translations. mvn replacer is required to convert single apostrophe to two apostrophes for GWT convention
mvn zanata:pull-module mvn replacer:replace -N
- Build all projects to make sure all resources are included in dependant jars
droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/script/mvn-all.sh clean install -DskipTests
- Go to kie-wb-distributions/kie-drools-wb or kie-wb-distributions/kie-wb. Build the workbench
mvn clean install -P fullProfile -DskipTests
Translation site (Zanata)
If you want to contribute to translation, please join Zanata.
Translation projects for droolsjbpm workbench:
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/jbpm_form_modeler
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/jbpm-dashboard
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/dashbuilder
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/uberfire
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/kie-wb-distributions
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/jbpm-console
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/kie-wb-common
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/drools-wb
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/Guvnor
- https://translate.jboss.org/project/view/jbpm-designer
How the process works
- Core developers create original resources and push them to github repository
- Core developers push original resources to Zanata using maven plugin
- Translators add translations to those resources in Zanata
- Core developers pull translated resources from Zanata using maven plugin. Also run mvn replacer
- Core developers push them to github repository
- * Jenkins builds all projects daily