Version 5

    This article covers adding RichFaces dependencies to both your maven and non-maven projects.


    How to add RichFaces 5.x to maven based project


    You will need to add richfaces-components-ui and richfaces-core-impl dependency to your project dependencies sections.


    All other dependencies will be included transitively.


    How to add RichFaces 5.x to maven based project


    First thing you need to do is download RichFaces 5.x Final from the Stable (or milestones Downloads page. Once downloaded, unzip the package and you will see a folder structure like the following:


    ├── doc
    │   ├── javadoc
    │   ├── jsdoc
    │   └── vdldoc
    ├── example
    │   └── richfaces-showcase
    ├── lib
    │   ├── cssparser-0.9.11.jar
    │   ├── guava-13.0.1.jar
    │   ├── sac-1.3.jar
    │   ├── cache
    │   │   └── ehcache-1.6.0.jar
    │   └── push
    │       ├── atmosphere-compat-jbossweb-1.0.18.jar
    │       ├── atmosphere-compat-tomcat-1.0.18.jar
    │       ├── atmosphere-compat-tomcat7-1.0.18.jar
    │       └── atmosphere-runtime-1.0.18.jar
    ├── richfaces-5.0.0.Alpha2.jar
    └── richfaces-5.0.0.Alpha2-sources.jar


    To use RichFaces in your project you must add the following files into your war:

    ├── lib
    │   ├── cssparser-0.9.11.jar
    │   ├── guava-13.0.1.jar
    │   └── sac-1.3.jar
    └── richfaces-5.0.0.Alpha2.jar


    The other dependeincies are optional, and are only required when you want to use the push and cache features.