Version 5

    step 1 : describe problem in JPA with Native Query 


    List<Object[]>  objectlist =-------------------- ").getResultList();

         Iterator<Object[]> iterator = customerList1.iterator();

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {

                    Object[] customer =;

                    Integer id = (Integer) customer[0];

                    String firstName = (String) customer[1];

                    String lastName = (String) customer[2];



    =====================================very pain(indexing--customer[1]) coding form in JPA =======================================


    step 2 : solution


    1. step 1 format                                                              ------pain format

    1. JDBC dbutils                                                       ------------- using only jdbc app / Not for JPA app

    3. JPA Criteria api: hibernate . setResultTransformer     --------only support JPA hibernate criteria query not for other way

    4. sqlresultmaping             -          JPA  1.0               ---------use for JPA but database table field map is very hard for lage size query

    5. @ConstructorResult(targetClass )   JPA  2.1        ---------big problem when declare the mapping of the fields in the constructor    Ex --: columns={ @ColumnResult(name="balance"),


                                            Last Solution -----------------QLRM 1.5 --Framework

                                                          Query Language Result Mapper


       download qlrm framework : qlrm-1.5.1.jar


      sample :No need iterator /looping : only this two line

       Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sql1);

       List<ClosingRecord> closelist = jpaResultMapper.list(query, ClosingRecord.class);


    step 4 : Remarks-----------QLRM

          1. same number of arguments as the result of the SQL

          2. result types must match // type matching

          3. maintin order


    step 4 : QLRM problem : maintin order in constructor

    solution : ViewModel /DTO generation

                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql1);

               classGenerator.generateFromResultSet(System.getProperty("user.dir"), null, "EmployeeNameTO", false, rs);



    step 5 : follow attached file example  and

    -------------------------------------------------------------------End --------------------------------------------------------

    step 6 : some study on this topics  :

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