Hello jBPM Community,
This is my first post here and I am glad to join the jBPM Community.
Now, we started looking at using jBPM to provide BPMN Services to our applications (A1.iO) sometime mid last year. What we found was a really comprehensive BPM engine, at least much better to what we had, but, unfortunately from a User perspective, we found that interacting with the built-in tools for Workflow Management was difficult due to a UI that seemed more designed to be used for developers than actual users.
Fast forward a few months, and we decided to make our own implementation of a modern UI with an inbuilt Form Designer that uses jBPM in its backend but providing a much seamless and enhanced experience.
While this started off as an integral part of our applications, we have gone ahead and separated it from our applications to be its own stand-alone application that can be used by just about anyone using jBPM as a front-end for user interaction.
We would be happy if we got a review and/or critique from the jBPM community.
The link is here https://docs.google.com/a/at.co.ke/document/d/1W3EWAY10-8calbG1XR-_p8EYIfQ7s7JeN-pxy36A2v0/edit#
Waithaka Ngigi
This article was generated from the following discussion: Enhancing jBPM Usability?