A Hundred Departments, Same Integration Solution
George Atala, Integration Architect, UC Berkeley
A large enterprise often owns dozens of systems of record, which typically run on diverse technologies and have little collaboration among them. There are many departments at UC Berkeley, and integration technologies are helping bring their massive information systems closer together than ever. Apache ServiceMix, Camel, and ActiveMQ are the backbone of the architecture paradigms that the campus is using to change the way we view legacy systems and plan future systems. In this session, we’ll discuss: how integration and SOA fit in a broad enterprise architecture; techniques for adding APIs to and integrating with legacy systems; design patterns for building new enterprise systems with integration in mind; techniques and code for business process management (BPM) using Camel & ActiveMQ; and how the new paradigms are enabling us to work with external partners, lower the cost of software development, and offer new innovative services.