Version 6

    This document outlines the draft instructions for installing Overlord S-Ramp on Fuse 6.1. These instructions may change through the alpha/beta stage, and will be finalised in the S-ramp documentation prior to the final release of version 0.4.1.


    Installing in Fuse 6.1


    Using the console


    • Unpack Fuse 6.1 and unpack the attached configuration files into the etc folder. Then from the bin folder, launch fuse.


    When the console prompt is available, enter the following commands:


    1. features:addurl mvn:org.overlord.sramp/s-ramp-distro-fuse61/0.4.1-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
    2. features:install -v s-ramp


    Then the s-ramp-ui is ready in http://localhost:8181/s-ramp-ui/


    As a profile in Fabric


    • Unpack Fuse 6.1.
    • Add the profile to the Fuse instance. Unzip the overlord-commons and s-ramp profiels in ${jboss-fuse-6.1.0_HOME}/fabric/import/fabric/configs/versions/1.0/profiles. The zip profile locations are:
      • overlord-commons/overlord-commons-dist/overlord-commons-dist-fuse6/target/overlord-commons-profile-${project.version}.zip
      • s-ramp/s-ramp-distro/s-ramp-distro-fabric/target/s-ramp-profile-${project.version}.zip
    • Add a ovelord.keystore file (by default the keystore file is not added in the profile). This file can be created either in the overlord/commons.profile/ or in the overlord/sramp.profile/
    • Modify the following lines in the overlord/sramp.profile/
      • s-ramp-ui.atom-api.authentication.saml.keystore   --> profile:${KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME.KEYSTORE}
        s-ramp-ui.atom-api.authentication.saml.keystore-password --> samlkeystore77
        s-ramp-ui.atom-api.authentication.saml.key-password --> overlord99


    You can have an example of how the overlord profiles folder should look like after the modifications in the attached file.


    Launch fuse from the bin folder.


    1. fabric:create --zookeeper-password admin      (you will be prompted to enter the username and password for an initial user - use 'admin' for both username and password)
    2. jaas:manage --index 3
    3. jaas:roleadd admin overlorduser
    4. jaas:update
    5. fabric:container-create-child --jvm-opts '-Xms1000m -Xmx1000m' root child
      1. due to permgen and other (possible) memory issues, I also used '-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m'
    6. fabric:container-add-profile child overlord-sramp       (NOTE: Can also use the hawtio console to do this - see explanation below)

    Step 1 creates the fabric. Steps 2 to 4 setup the karaf user and its roles. You can either add to the admin user the role overlorduser, or create a new user and add to it the role overlorduser.

    Step 5 creates the child container in which the Overlord profiles will be installed.

    Step 6 - although this can be done from the command line console, using the http://localhost:8181/hawtio console enables you to see the stages the container goes through while adding the profile, and also to check the logs. Log into the UI using the admin/admin username and password. Simply select the Runtime tab, and the 'child' container - then add the profile by entering Overlord into the filter after pressing the +Add button. Watch the "Provision Status" until it shows "success", and the "Server Status" is "Running".


    Alternatively, create the container and add the profile in one shot:

    fabric:container-create-child --jvm-opts '-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m' --profile overlord-sramp root child


    You could check the status of the container using the karaf console with the instruction fabric:container-list or fabric:container-info child.



    Known Remaining Tasks and Issues


    LoginService not found:

    • intermittent problem -if this problem appears, if you stop and start the container, the problem normally dissapears:

              fabric:container-stop child

              fabric:container-start child